
Philadelphia is a lightweight CouchDB application developed in the egret framework. egret is a pure Python couch app development tool, and is included with Philadelphia for convenience.



Clone the Philadelphia repository from github:

$ git clone git://

If you wish, customize application settings in settings.json and templates in templates.json.

Then, from within the philadelphia directory, run:

$ ./egret push http://your-server:port/database_name
$ ./egret pushdata http://your-server:port/database_name templates.json

Your Philadelphia installation should now be live at http://your-server:port/database_name/_design/designname/index.html, where designname is that in settings.json (default: phila).

Search Functionality

The search feature of Philadelphia relies on couchdb-lucene, an external Java indexer.

To set up lucene:

  1. Follow the instructions in the couchdb-lucene readme

    1. Download or git clone the couchdb-lucene source
    2. Build with mvn. This will create a tarball in target/
    3. Untar the tarball where the lucene server binary should live
  2. If you are using CouchDB’s HTTP authentication (i.e. you set require_valid_user=true in your CouchDB configuration), change the last lines of config/couchdb-lucene.ini to something like:

    url = http://USERNAME:PASSWORD@localhost:5984
  3. Start the lucene server with /PATH/TO/LUCENE/bin/run. For production, this should be run as a daemon.

  4. Add the following to the [httpd_global_handlers] section in CouchDB’s local.ini and restart the CouchDB server:

    _fti = {couch_httpd_proxy, handle_proxy_req, <<"">>}
  5. Push the lucene indexing design document to the Philadelphia database:

    $ egret pushdata http://localhost:5984/phila /PATH/TO/PHILA/lucene/lucene.json

Nice URLs

URLs can easily be rewritten to be more user-friendly. For example, in Apache:

ProxyRequests Off
<Proxy *>
       Order Allow,Deny
       Allow from all

 RewriteEngine On
 RewriteOptions Inherit

 RewriteRule ^/_fti/(.+)$$1 [QSA,P]
 RewriteRule ^/_uuids(.*) [QSA,P]
 RewriteRule ^/_utils/script/(.*)$1 [QSA,P]

 RewriteRule ^/philadelphia$ /philadelphia/ [R]
 RewriteRule ^/philadelphia/$ http://[INSERT YOUR FQDN]/philadelphia/index.html?user=%{LA-U:REMOTE_USER} [QSA,P]

 RewriteRule ^/philadelphia/(.+)$$1?user=%{LA-U:REMOTE_USER} [QSA,P]

 RewriteRule ^/phila/(.+)$$1?user=%{LA-U:REMOTE_USER} [QSA,P]
 RewriteRule ^/phila/_changes(.+)$$1?user=%{LA-U:REMOTE_USER} [QSA,P]
 RewriteRule ^/phila/(.*){LA-U:REMOTE_USER} [QSA,P]

This will put everything at http://server/philadelphia.

There are only a few parameters that get passed around and it all happens via the query string, so even prettier URLs with no .html are possible too. Specifically, if edit.html receives an id it will open the report for editing (without an id it starts a new report), and results.html expects a search query q=key:value.