Report Templates

Although users may add and remove fields as they wish, all “standard” fields should be defined in a template. These are the fields the user sees when they first drop a template into their report.

Templates are defined in JSON in templates.json, in the root directory of your Philadelphia installation, with the following structure:

        "_id": "template_name",
        "type": "template",
        "default": boolean,
        "fields": [
                "name": "field 1 name",
                "type": "field 1 type",
                "attrib": "field 1 attributes",
                "required": boolean
                "name": "field 2 name",
                "type": "field 2 type",
                "attrib": "field 2 attributes",
                "required": boolean

After modifying templates.json, you must push the changes to the server with ./egret pushdata as shown in the installation guide.

Field Types

The value of “type” must be an HTML form input type. Currently, Philadelphia supports text, textarea, and checkbox.

Field Attributes

Attributes are optional, and any provided will be passed along directly to the HTML input element. This is useful, for example, in fixing the size of a textarea:

    "name": "terminal contents",
    "type": "textarea",
    "attrib": "rows=80 cols=25"

Default Templates

If a template has the optional key “default” set to true, an instance of the template is automatically placed at the top of new shift reports.

Required Fields

Fields with the optional key “required” set to true cannot be deleted from the template. They also appear red if null.